Dear Brandon and Team Athletic Xtreme,
It is with a heavy heart I am announcing I have to resign immediately from Athletic Xtreme as a sponsored athlete for personal reasons. I am no longer able to give my all to the team the way I want to. I have too much respect for you, this team, this company and the fitness community to not give it my all. I did my best in the time that I was part of Athletic Xtreme with my videos, my professional photographs advertising the supplements, representing AX at the NPC (winning 3 classes and the Overall Men’s Physique at the Vermont Bodybuilding Championships) and spreading the word about AX to thousands upon thousands through social media and word of mouth through my many connections. With 3 little children and model & book projects building up constantly I can no longer be a parent because of all the demands that are being expected of me. It has been an honor for me to be part of this incredible company. I thank everybody in the AX family for all the kindness, love and support they have shown John Quinlan. I have 100% respect for you and every member of this team. Athletic Xtreme will always remain a special part of my life. I know you will understand.

God Bless