2015 RT Convention Featured Romance Cover Models Vicki Stewart & John Joseph Quinlan via Dallas, TX.

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2015 RT Convention Featured Romance Cover Models Vicki Stewart & John Joseph Quinlan via Dallas, TX.
2015 RT Convention Featured Romance Cover Models Vicki Stewart & John Joseph Quinlan via Dallas, TX. #JohnQuinlan

John Joseph Quinlan – 2015 NPC Universe Men’s Master Physique

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“The 2015 NPC Universe, my 10th contest this year & my 25th overall in the last 4 years. Let’s give it Hell God as I respect this organization too much and all the amazing athletes in it not to.”
– John Quinlan
June 23, 2015
2015 NPC Universe Men's Master Physique John Joseph Quinlan #JohnQuinlan

John Joseph Quinlan – NPC NEWS ONLINE 2015 Bev Francis Atlantic States Master Men’s Physique on Stage Photo by Jeff Binns

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John Joseph Quinlan NPC NEWS ONLINE 2015 Bev Francis Atlantic States Master Men’s Physique on Stage Photo by Jeff Binns

“I’m 40 years old & in less than 2 weeks from today on July 4th, my dream is to win the 2015 NPC Universe 40+ Master Physique….truly the ultimate dream would come true.”

– John Quinlan

John Joseph Quinlan NPC NEWS ONLINE 2015 Bev Francis Atlantic States Master Men's Physique on Stage Photo by  Jeff Binns #JohnQuinlan

John Quinlan @ 2 Weeks Out From the 2015 NPC Universe Men’s Physique Open, 35+ & 40+ Classes

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John Quinlan @ 2 weeks out from the 2015 NPC Universe Men’s Physique Open, 35+ & 40+ classes.
“If you believe it, you can achieve it”
“It would be the ultimate dream for me to win the 40+ Physique at this show after so many years of people like Laura Roberto Roper saying I remind them of Rocky because I just kept battling through so many obstacles without quitting.

John Joseph Quinlan @ 2 Weeks Out from 2015 NPC Universe Men's Master Physique 40+ #JohnQuinlan John Joseph Quinlan @ 2 Weeks Out from 2015 NPC Universe Men's Master Physique 40+ #JohnQuinlan

Special Thanks to the NPC & My 2015 Universe Dream – John Quinlan

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“2 weeks from tomorrow my goal is to win the 40+ Men’s Master Physique at the 2015 NPC Universe in New Jersey on July 4th and earn my pro card…the ultimate reward for battling all these years. Hey Jillian Bullock & Peter Karalekas, if I become a big-time actor down the road afterwards I’m gonna cut a check to the NPC in c/o of Steve Weinberger & Bev Francis for $1 Million dollars so I can ultimately see the day when all the athletes who sacrificed everything they had for this sport finally get what they so very much deserve”

God Bless,

– John

NPC Men's Physique Model Competitor John Joseph Quinlan #JohnQuinlan