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The great Denzel Washington believes people should do what they are most passionate about. If a person fails at something that he loves to do, then he would keep trying until he gets it right. How a person reacts after a failure is what determines that person’s future. 100% truth right there.
Keep swinging for the fences my friends. Follow your heart ❤️ – Stoneface (2025)
“Darkness is peaceful.”
– Stoneface, (2025)
We have all lost a special person(s) along our life’s journey. This year will be 20 years and has deep meaning to me. Keep his/her memory alive in your heart and fresh in your mind. So, in the words of the late Notorious B.I.G., if you don’t know, now you know.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, (2025)
John “Stoneface” Quinlan New York Weekly Interview via July (2024)
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Just me ❤️
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Original by the great Steve Mark
“You don’t find a style. A style finds you.” – Keith Richards
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***Photo by Steve Mark***
A while back, I was selected to play Jason Voorhees in a future fan film with Derrick Berry & Mike Gee. Wearing a strapped (wolf) mask here from the music video, “Before the Roof Caves in” by artist Brian Walker was pretty good training for it. Jason Voorhees art by Anastasios Gionis, Mavros Thanatos on Deviant Art. – John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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Happy Father’s Day! It has been over 40 years since I first climbed these stairs as a skinny little, undersized Irish kid who was scared of his own shadow. Lots of special memories here, along with some great classmates from back in that era. John Michael Hughes, gone far too soon! Never forgotten. I think as we all get older, time seems to unfortunately start moving faster. Personally, I appreciate memories and places like this more now. It’s nice to take a few minutes out of this busy thing called life and return to a simple place from your past. When times were good, and the biggest stress was hoping to be picked for the kickball team that you wanted. God Bless ALL the good dads out there (and parents) on this sunny Sunday morning. You are appreciated.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan – Father’s Day (2024)
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It’s been 19 years so until I see you on the other side, I’ll keep missing you my brother.
Rest in Power
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“As a member of Generation X (age 44–59, born 1965–1980) and about 5 months away from turning 50 on October 30th (but still of course 49 years old now), I often find myself saying, “Where did the time go, and I can’t believe we lost another good one.” Every time I turn around, it seems like I’m being told, “Hey, did you hear who passed away?” or “Can you believe what happened to him/her?” I think now more than ever, along with all my Generation X brothers and sisters, my own mortality is really starting to hit me. Time waits for no man, and we are all vulnerable. I aim to be a good person, a good father, to forgive and forget, and to not hold grudges. Life is short; I treat people the way they want to be treated, and I’m grateful for what I have without dwelling on the things I don’t. I was never blessed with anything special or God-given, so I always simply competed against myself. Sure, many were better and achieved far greater things than I have or did in every chapter of my life’s journey, but that’s OK. If I know I did the very best I could no matter what the circumstances, then that’s all that ever mattered to me, as right out of the starting gate in life, I wasn’t really supposed to achieve anything super spectacular. If you’re reading this and we have ever crossed paths along life’s journey with positive memories, I thank you. As time marches on, many things fade, but memories last forever.”
Happy Memorial Day (2024) & God Bless,
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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It’s a Nike Air MAX Miami Dolphins kind of day 🐬
– Stoneface
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“I had the honor of filming today with the very talented Liz Eng. From my heart I truly thank you. Special thanks to producer & director Norman Lang along with actor and screenwriter Andrew Justin Smith together with Boston Casting. Happy 18th birthday today to my oldest son Troy,
I love you son and I’m beyond proud of you.” God Bless,
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, 5/19/2024
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$55.00 gets you my birth certificate on Ehamall Easy ~ Shop, what a bargain until you ask me directly and I give it to you for a cup of coffee and a ham sandwich, ha ha ha!  – Stoneface  
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“Felt decent post workout this morning, amen to another beautiful day on Earth.”
– Stoneface, 5/10/2024
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A microwave dinner, yay! I can’t control my excitement, LOL!
– J
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If you’re looking for John J. Quinlan’s contacts, to get in touch with them for a business opportunity, collaboration, or event appearance you’re in the right place. The Handbook is the #1 celebrity platform, giving you all the contacts you need for John J. Quinlan’s Agent. This includes email address, phone number and address. Simply sign up today for a free trial and you can get instant access to all of John J. Quinlan’s contacts, plus over 634K other celebrities and influencers.
“I’ve been away for only a few short years which have felt like forever, so it’ll feel bittersweet when I’m back soon – life’s setbacks that don’t kill you only make you stronger.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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Special thanks to Angela Peri @ Boston Casting for having me today in class.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, 4/28/2024 
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I’m proud to wear this Damar Hamlin t-shirt
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan ***4/2024***
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When you feel like quitting think about why you started – Amen
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, 4/25/2024
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Just Me (4/2024) – John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.
– Henry David Thoreau
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Post workout 4/17/2024
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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After my absence for the past few years at least I haven’t fallen off the face of the Earth completely.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, March (2024)* #comeback
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“One more obstacle in my life to conquer and then I can entertain the thought of acting once again. I would love the opportunity to do something. I would like that very much.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, March (2024)
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The power is in your hands to be anything you want to become.
– Thabisile Ledwaba
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“Come Say Hi”
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“Life will always toss us curve balls moving forward and we simply
must adapt the best we can each & every time.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, March (2024)
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“It has been many years since I’ve been back to this exact location. The stone wall along Nahant by the ocean. I have passed it here and there, but this week I finally decided to stop and take a few minutes to reflect on my life since the last photo was taken 27 years ago in this very spot. The young man on the left has his entire life in front of him. Not sure what will happen as he prepares for some fitness related competition in his near distant future. The man on the right, at 49 years old, says to himself; should I have done things differently? Could I have been a better person? Could I have been more successful? I’ve had many failures. Maybe I would not have had as many if I took a different direction in life. So many questions I asked myself. My life’s book is far from being over but at that moment being there gave me peace and closure that the past is in the past and all we can do is move forward regardless of our previous mistakes, failures, things we should have done differently or could have done better. I turn 50 years old this coming October. Let’s see what the next 50 years have in store for me. No matter what happens, I think for me, being at peace and being a good person are my top priorities at this stage of my life. God bless the masses and believe me there are too many of you out there to name individually who have enriched my life thus far and from my heart I truly thank you all for that.” ❤️
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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Occasionally, your life’s path might seem a bit hopeless, and then suddenly God gifts you a little help. His way of saying, “Never give up. You got this.” 
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2024)
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John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2024)
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Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain, but you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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Just me, usually more of a bad guy on camera. Footage courtesy of Jillian Bullock Enterprises.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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Keep moving forward no matter what because even if you fall, you’re falling in the right direction…forward. Denzel Washington is so right. 
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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This is my nickname, what’s yours?
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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Just Me
– Stoneface
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Just came across this video clip, a little while back I portrayed a corrupt bad guy boxing promoter in a short film project. Bad guy, I know…shocking right! LOL!!!
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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“Happy New Year! A day to celebrate and reflect upon years gone by and the loved ones we all lost in 2023 and before. I’ll turn 50 years old this year on October 30th and as a Generation X baby (born between 1965 and 1980) I have more miles behind me than ahead. So live, love, and laugh because we only get one shot at this thing called life. Have no regrets and be kind.”
God Bless,
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, New Year’s Day (2024)
“Happy New Year! A day to celebrate and reflect upon years gone by and the loved ones we all lost in 2023 and before. I’ll turn 50 years old this year on October 30th and as a Generation X baby (born between 1965 and 1980) I have more miles behind me than ahead. So live, love, and laugh because we only get one shot at this thing called life. Have no regrets and be kind.”
God Bless,
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, New Year’s Day (2024) 
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Just me, December (2023)
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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“Special thanks to my friend Big Mike for sending me this video from the Chili’s Grill & Bar in Seabrook, NH. Who knows, maybe the Stoneface IPA on the menu is named after me, LOL!” 
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, December (2023)
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Photo by Steve Mark ©  (2023)
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“I already know what giving up feels like. I want to see what happens if I don’t.” – Neila Rey
***AMEN – STONEFACE*** Photo by Steve Mark © (2023)
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“I feel great, and I have a lot of gas left in my tank so I’m going until my wheels fall off. Thank you everyone again so much for all your love & support. I’ve sent in my Face of Horror contest (2023) video submission with my goal of winning Kane’s Pick. God Bless you all & keep grinding towards your dreams.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, October (2023)
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“A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.”
~ Jean de La Fontaine
* Photo by the great Steve Mark
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“Authentic Italian in Boston’s North End is 100% on my Bucket List.
Thanks for the photos Big Steve @ Nine9!”
– Stoneface, 9/2023
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“Nice to be back around the business again.”
– Stoneface (September 2023)
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“Over 10 years later and these jeans still fit like a glove which makes me “muy feliz.” Have a Happy Weekend.”
– Stoneface (2023)
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“I’m doing this for the B+ Foundation & the children, please vote for me in the Face of Horror contest. You can vote for me once every day completely free or purchase an S (Care) vote (only $1 minimum) to donate to the B+ Foundation, the largest provider of financial assistance to families dealing with pediatric cancer. If I win, they win! 1st cut is tonight, September 14th at 8PM PDT. Let’s make it!”
Thank You All,
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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Please vote for me! Every one of you is individually appreciated! Thank You!
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, Face of Horror (2023)
“Just waiting for you in an alley.”
– Stoneface (2023)
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****Vote for me & help me help the B+ Foundation****
You can vote for me once every day completely free or purchase an S (Care) vote (only $1 minimum) to donate to the B+ Foundation, the largest provider of financial assistance to families dealing with pediatric cancer. If I win, they win!
God Bless,
John “Stoneface” Quinlan
Please vote for me! Face of Horror Contest, voting starts September 5th at 10AM PDT. Thank You!
God Bless
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
Face of Horror Contest (2023)
I’ve been called a lot of things but being tagged “Community Sweetheart” was never one of them, LOL! Had no idea that sign was in the window.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2023)
*Photo by the great Steve Mark
Photos taken from:
“You got a problem?”
*Bad guy shoot with the great Steve Mark
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2023)
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The man in black travels with your soul in his pocket. — Stephen King
Photo by Lenore
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“The characters I’ve portrayed on screen are all bad guys to some extent & I’m humbled so many say I do it very well considering in real life I’m the exact opposite. Special thanks to director & producer Jillian Bullock (in this clip) for casting me @ Touch with Your Eyes (2019). It’s nice to be back.”
God Bless,
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, August (2023)  
Thug/Bad Guy Actor © 2023
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
Photo by Steve Mark
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“Were there any bald guys back then?” LOL!!!
The Roaring 20’s Retro Theme
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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Photo by Big Steve Mark
“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” ~ Aristotle Onassis
*Photo by Steve Mark
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“All of us have bad luck and good luck. The man who persists through the bad luck – who keeps right on going – is the man who is there when the good luck comes – and is ready to receive it.” ~ Robert Collier
*Photo by Steve Mark
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Dreams without goals are just dreams.
– Denzel Washington
*Photo by Big Steve Mark
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If you just keep your head down and just try and do your thing, sometimes magic happens.
– Gavin Rossdale
Photo by Big Steve Mark
R.I.P. Manny
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“I am Stoneface”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
Photo by Big Steve Mark
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To gain unshakable faith in Jesus Christ is to flood your life with brilliant light.
– Richard G. Scott
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Hold the vision, trust the process.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2023)
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“Sometimes, after a few years’ absence, a participant will return, and we greet them as long-lost friends and listen to their stories. It’s nice to be back in the acting world again.”
God Bless,
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, June (2023)
 Background music by Alex Grohl from his collection of paid royalty-free tracks, copyright free & 100% free for anyone to use on blogs, ads, and other video content.
“I’m truly humbled, thank you.”*
– Stoneface
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“I’m truly humbled, thank you.”*
– Stoneface
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A few independent filmmakers approached me this week and asked if I would be interested in playing the role of Jason Voorhees in their Friday the 13th fan film project.
That’s pretty cool, I’m truly humbled. Thank you.*
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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“As I’ve gotten older and more mature, I look at things differently than I used to years ago. I always see the positive in things no matter what.
My countless failures are just lessons along this journey towards something special.”
God Bless,
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2023)
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May 7, 2023
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Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game – Babe Ruth
“Feeling great, I feel like I’m 30 years old. Let’s get it!”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, Audition (May 4, 2023)
*Photo taken from:
“We all have nicknames given to us over the years by people in all walks of our life’s journey. My 11-year-old daughter told me the other day she has 5 nicknames! I told her, “Those are some very sweet nicknames, better than my one barbaric one.” LOL! A bit barbaric maybe, 100% meaning…Definitely.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2023)
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Never let your doubt blind your goals, for your future lies in your ability, not your failure.
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2023) *Taken from:
“Good things are coming, born again 2023.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan 
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“The road towards achieving dreams is a marathon NOT a sprint and most people aren’t willing to commit long enough to make the uncomfortable comfortable.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, actor
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“Special thanks again to MyHeritage for confirming that Irish blood makes up the majority running through my veins.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
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We’ve all had that special person(s) in our life’s journey who impacted us deeply. Big Manny, 4-eva one of the greatest R.I.P. as you gave me my nickname. God Bless. Who’s yours? 
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– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
“Just finished filming as a bad boxing promoter today for Boston short film, ‘The Man Who Delivered Packages’ coming next year. That’s a wrap!”
– John J. “Stoneface” Quinlan, 11/20/2022
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“It’s nice to be back, finally!”
– John J. Quinlan 8/28/2022 *Taken from:
“I look a little crazy here in this movie flashback photo, LOL!”
– John J. Quinlan
Check it out: Rent / Buy @ Prime Video:
I’ll be featured in the upcoming music video, “Lookin Like My Wife” with Brian Walker being filmed tonight in NH.
“Never count the Irish out.”
– Stoneface
John J. Quinlan  6/20/2022
(Taken from
“I’m back from the dead.”
“Regardless if I have millions in the bank or nothing at all, I’ll always be that blue collar Irish journeyman at heart who was simply a T-shirt & jeans type of guy.”
John J. Quinlan
“It’s impossible to beat an Irishman who doesn’t give up”
– John J. Quinlan (2021)
Classic Full Sleeve Hand Tattoos
Classic full sleeve hand tattoos by the man, the myth, the living legend; tattoo artist Derek “Goofy” Seaquist 🙂
Thank You & God Bless,
John J. Quinlan
“Success in acting is a marathon NOT a sprint.”
– John J. Quinlan
“Just because I’ve been on hiatus doesn’t mean I don’t have big future plans as an actor. Don’t count this Irishman out.”
John J. Quinlan, 8/2021

It has been over 15 years since God called you home. Gone far to soon but never forgotten as I couldn’t have asked for a better person to train with (always stronger than me) & who motivated me to be better. I miss your jokes and over the years I’ve learned to embrace the Stoneface nickname you gave me which I initially kept hidden in the dark because it was associated with looking angry and mean all the time which is not the real me. Today, I feel like my nickname keeps your spirit alive and helps keep the great memories fresh in my mind. Rest in Peace Big Manny until I see you again.

“Gratitude to host Randy Stress for interviewing me on the Stressfree Zone Tv Show (Season 2, Episode 4) with special thanks to both producers Sheila Henley & Jillian Bullock for making it happen.”
John J. Quinlan @ The Stressfree Zone Tv Show Interview (Season 2, Episode 4 / 2021)
“Gratitude to host Randy Stress for interviewing me on the Stressfree Zone Tv Show (Season 2, Episode 4) with special thanks to both producers Sheila Henley & Jillian Bullock for making it happen.”
John J. Quinlan @ The Stressfree Zone Tv Show Interview (Season 2, Episode 4 / 2021)
“Gratitude to host Randy Stress for interviewing me on the Stressfree Zone Tv Show (Season 2, Episode 4) with special thanks to both producers Sheila Henley & Jillian Bullock for making it happen.”
John J. Quinlan @ The Stressfree Zone Tv Show Interview (Season 2, Episode 4 / 2021)
“Gratitude to host Randy Stress for interviewing me on the Stressfree Zone Tv Show (Season 2, Episode 4) with special thanks to both producers Sheila Henley & Jillian Bullock for making it happen.”
John J. Quinlan @ The Stressfree Zone Tv Show Interview (Season 2, Episode 4 / 2021)
“Going back about 20 years, one day I walk into the gym and this guy says to me, “man you never smile, I’m not saying you look mean it’s really stone like with absolutely no expression. Smile man, it ain’t that bad.” So from that point forward whenever I would see him he would say, “Hey Stoneface how are you?” His name was Manny Catalano who became one of my best friends. Unfortunately Manny passed away in 2005 but I can still hear his laugh and the great memories will live on forever. I’m sure he’s up in Heaven now telling God a funny joke. I really miss Manny. Never Forget You Brotha!”
God Bless, John
John J. Quinlan ©
John J. Quinlan ©
“When you truly believe in something, keep it in the back of your mind where you can reflect on all the hard work, efforts and people involved along the way every day until it happens.”
John J. Quinlan, actor (2015 Boston Film Project Flashback with Boxing Trainer Greg Rich)
“Going back about 20 years, one day I walk into the gym and this guy says to me, “man you never smile, I’m not saying you look mean it’s really stone like with absolutely no expression. Smile man, it ain’t that bad.” So from that point forward whenever I would see him he would say, “Hey Stoneface how are you?” His name was Manny Catalano who became one of my best friends. Unfortunately Manny passed away in 2005 but I can still hear his laugh and the great memories will live on forever. I’m sure he’s up in Heaven now telling God a funny joke. I really miss Manny. Over the course of time the nickname just stuck.”
John J. Quinlan aka Stoneface
Tattoo by artist Jon Saulnier
“Never forget those who made an impact on your life because when they’re gone, they’re gone.”
John Quinlan, (24″x36″) Stoneface Poster