Good Training

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A while back, I was selected to play Jason Voorhees in a future fan film with Derrick Berry & Mike Gee. Wearing a strapped (wolf) mask here from the music video, “Before the Roof Caves in” by artist Brian Walker was pretty good training for it. Jason Voorhees art by Anastasios Gionis, Mavros Thanatos on Deviant Art. – John “Stoneface” Quinlan
*Taken from: &

Surprise Fan Art, Yay!

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It’s always humbling to receive surprise fan art. Thank you Taabia Dupree!
You are one of my all-time favorite authors and it was an honor to
grace the cover of your book, Jessica’s Obsession over a decade ago. 
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
*Taken from: