“With age comes wisdom, and one puts his life in proper perspective. My philosophy is to expect nothing and be grateful for everything, the majority of which cannot be bought with money.” God Bless – John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2023) https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/ *Photo by Steve Mark
Updated bad guy actor shot (and head shot) @ August 2023. All natural with NO filters. Photos by Steve Mark – John “Stoneface” Quinlan, August (2023) *Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/
“I haven’t posted a full-body photo of this nature in 3 years & 100% that I’ll never post one again. Having been in a bit of a cocoon the past couple years and now being above the surface once again to show so many who have shown me so much love & support that I’m still going strong is a great feeling so thank you all. Plus, since grown men posting selfies in their underwear is all the rage, I figured I’d join the party one very last time.” – John “Stoneface” Quinlan, August (2023) *Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/