John J. Quinlan
John Quinlan – NPC Men’s Physique 5X Champion John Joseph Quinlan by Ms. X
*2012 NPC Rhode Island Open Physique Under 5’10” 1st (far left), *2013 NPC Vermont Open Physique 1st, Master Physique 1st & Overall Physique Winner (2nd from left), *2015 NPC NY Capitol Master Physique 1st (2nd from right & far right)
“Ms. X, thank you for creating this collage of my 5 NPC Physique 1st place finishes, when I look back on my life they will always be very special moments for me”
God Bless
I would just like to take a brief moment to thank Ms. Sugar for putting these on stage clips of me together from my Men’s Physique Overall win at the NPC Vermont Bodybuilding Championships back in April. It was truly a special night as I dedicated the win to my grandfather Bill Hafner who passed away exactly one month earlier. In just a few days this Saturday on October 5th I will be competing at the NPC Brooklyn Grand Prix Men’s Physique Open & Masters class. I have been very sick with flu like symptoms for the past couple of days so seeing this video really cheered me up. I have so much respect for the NPC and all the athletes. I will give it my all this Saturday and win, lose or draw I gave it my best to overcome being so sick and that I can live with.
God Bless
– John
This video was uploaded on October 1, 2013
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