I Am Rhino

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“Yours truly as Rhino with Big Jim Foster @ Red 13 Studios. Spider-Man and The Monsters of Manhattan COMING SOON. Thank You Brandon Melo & Crew. A+ Series 100% Love & Respect Always.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
*Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/

I Am Rhino

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“Yours truly as Rhino with Big Jim Foster @ Red 13 Studios. Spider-Man and The Monsters of Manhattan COMING SOON. Thank You Brandon Melo & Crew. A+ Series 100% Love & Respect Always.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
*Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/

Be Unique

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“Life is short, so don’t be afraid to be unique, just be yourself regardless of what anyone thinks.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan (2023)
*Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/
*Photo by the great Steve Mark


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“I feel great, and I have a lot of gas left in my tank so I’m going until my wheels fall off. Thank you everyone again so much for all your love & support. I’ve sent in my Face of Horror contest (2023) video submission with my goal of winning Kane’s Pick. God Bless you all & keep grinding towards your dreams.”
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan, October (2023)
*Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/

Thanks Steve

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I came across this quote the other day and it holds a lot of truth…..
“As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being redirected to something better.”
–Dr. Steve Maraboli, speaker and author
Thanks Steve
– Stoneface
*Taken from: https://www.johnjquinlan.com/