Happy Father’s Day! It has been over 40 years since I first climbed these stairs as a skinny little, undersized Irish kid who was scared of his own shadow. Lots of special memories here, along with some great classmates from back in that era. John Michael Hughes, gone far too soon! Never forgotten. I think as we all get older, time seems to unfortunately start moving faster. Personally, I appreciate memories and places like this more now. It’s nice to take a few minutes out of this busy thing called life and return to a simple place from your past. When times were good, and the biggest stress was hoping to be picked for the kickball team that you wanted. God Bless ALL the good dads out there (and parents) on this sunny Sunday morning. You are appreciated. – John “Stoneface” Quinlan – Father’s Day (2024) Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/