John “Stoneface” Quinlan Playlists @ YouTube

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Random videos of me in no specific order over the years from other accounts, friends, fans, and everything in between.  My life has been quite a journey, and the best is yet to come.     
***My Life Has Been Quite a Journey YouTube Playlist***
Just some videos of me, the guy nicknamed “Stoneface.”
***Just Me “Stoneface” YouTube Playlist***

Surprise Fan Art, Yay!

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It’s always humbling to receive surprise fan art. Thank you Taabia Dupree!
You are one of my all-time favorite authors and it was an honor to
grace the cover of your book, Jessica’s Obsession over a decade ago. 
– John “Stoneface” Quinlan
*Taken from:

Do I Really Remove My Mask at The End of The Music Video?

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Even before I removed the Wolf henchman mask at the end of the music video and reveal myself, everybody already knew it was me. Oh yeah, I forgot…the tattoos, LOL! – Stoneface
***Before the Roof Caves in (Official Music Video) performed by recording artist Brian Walker
***Released May 31, 2024 *Taken from: &