Eyes On The Prize – John J. Quinlan

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“Looking over the script today for a Boston film I was selected to be in, eyes on the prize.”
Have a Blessed Columbus Day Weekend Everyone & Keep Safe
– John J. Quinlan *Taken from: www.johnjquinlan.com

Brandon Melo & John J. Quinlan ‘Rhino’ @ Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021)

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Brandon Melo (Spider-Man) and John J. Quinlan (Rhino) on the set of TV/Web Series: Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021) in October 2020.

John J. Quinlan as Rhino @ Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021)

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On set this month as Rhino in New York while filming a scene from TV/Web Series: Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021).
John J. Quinlan, October 2020

John J. Quinlan @ Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021)

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Video clip captured via cell phone on set this month in New York while filming a scene from TV/Web Series: Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021). Classic Marvel Spider-Man being played by Brandon Melo along with myself as Rhino. When the final version is completed Rhino is tangled in Spider-Man’s webbing and unable to break free. Spider-Man then leaps off the sidewalk and up over the buildings. Going to look pretty wild! Stay Tuned!
John J. Quinlan, October 2020

John J. Quinlan @ Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021)

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Photo taken via cell phone on set this month in New York while filming a scene from TV/Web Series: Spider-Man And The Monsters of Manhattan (2021). Classic Marvel Spider-Man being played by Brandon Melo along with myself as Rhino. When the final version is completed Rhino is tangled in Spider-Man’s webbing and unable to break free. Spider-Man then leaps off the sidewalk and up over the buildings. Going to look pretty wild! Stay Tuned!
John J. Quinlan, October 2020