“Sometimes the road towards getting back on the righteous path can seem very long, but with consistency and a strong will one will inevitably reach the finish line of success.” – John “Stoneface” Quinlan *Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/
“One more obstacle in my life to conquer and then I can entertain the thought of acting once again. I would love the opportunity to do something. I would like that very much.” – John “Stoneface” Quinlan, March (2024) *Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/
“It has been many years since I’ve been back to this exact location. The stone wall along Nahant by the ocean. I have passed it here and there, but this week I finally decided to stop and take a few minutes to reflect on my life since the last photo was taken 27 years ago in this very spot. The young man on the left has his entire life in front of him. Not sure what will happen as he prepares for some fitness related competition in his near distant future. The man on the right, at 49 years old, says to himself; should I have done things differently? Could I have been a better person? Could I have been more successful? I’ve had many failures. Maybe I would not have had as many if I took a different direction in life. So many questions I asked myself. My life’s book is far from being over but at that moment being there gave me peace and closure that the past is in the past and all we can do is move forward regardless of our previous mistakes, failures, things we should have done differently or could have done better. I turn 50 years old this coming October. Let’s see what the next 50 years have in store for me. No matter what happens, I think for me, being at peace and being a good person are my top priorities at this stage of my life. God bless the masses and believe me there are too many of you out there to name individually who have enriched my life thus far and from my heart I truly thank you all for that.” ❤️ – John “Stoneface” Quinlan *Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/
Occasionally, your life’s path might seem a bit hopeless, and then suddenly God gifts you a little help. His way of saying, “Never give up. You got this.” – John “Stoneface” Quinlan *Taken from: https://www.instagram.com/therealjohnjquinlan/