2019 Philadelphia Film Awards (L to R): Christopher Mann, Lamont Fountain, Jillian Bullock & John J. Quinlan

2017 Philadelphia Independent Film Awards Tri-State Breakout Film Award Nomination
A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives (2017)
“It was great to be here tonight with all the other amazing talent at the 2017 Philadelphia Independent Film Awards. I’m grateful to director & producer Jillian Bullock for casting me as the lead male actor in her film, A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives (2017), which has received a Tri-State Breakout Film Award Nomination tonight.”
– John Quinlan 5/7/2017
Jillian Bullock – Director & Producer
Lamont Fountain – Cinematographer
John Quinlan – Lead Male Actor
Tamara Woods – Lead Female Actress
“The only failure is not to try”
– George Clooney
“When an award winning director & producer had these words to say about my performance in my 1st lead male actor role in the upcoming movie, ‘A Sense of Purpose: Fighting For Our Lives’ I was truly honored and humbled beyond words. Thank you Antoine Allen. That meant to world to me.”
~ John Quinlan, actor 8/22/2017